Forager Health Podcast
This show is about personal empowerment. Forager Health Podcast explores why we are meant to seek opportunities for depth, meaning, variety, and joy within the Human Experience as we explore our relationships with ourselves, each other, and with the Earth. Our weekly gatherings are meant to explore human potential and inspire listeners to welcome more passion, exploration, challenge, and autonomy into their lives. We hope that our thought provoking and inspirational conversations with the best and brightest minds in modern philosophy, human performance, and holistic healthcare will inspire listeners to embrace lives expressive of their own individual values and beliefs.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Show Notes:Chris Brown represents the principle of Freedom in many ways. He freely expresses himself through his actions, words, and dedication to his craft, often from a place where vulnerably is expertly balanced with Strength and wisdom beyond his years. He holds intention for creation of space in his chiropractic adjustments that is rarely seen coming from students and has the training to back it up. Chris’s level of attunement to the subtle energies and different layers of emotional content in life and within the body is equalled by no one other than the Masters and Living Legends of the healing the arts who he’s learned from. Chris has attended dozens of seminars and workshops and risen as a leader and inspiration to other students all over the country during his time in school. He is a dear friend of ours here at Forager Health. Needless to say we are excited to bring you what we hope is the first of many deep philosophical dives here on Modern Forager Podcast with Chris Brown, DC to-be!Chris on InstagramChris on Facebook@9:54 - Dr. Chris Brown compared to the Fond Stranger@12:17 - DC seminars versus other people’s seminars lol.. KTC, exposure to a dynamic range of emotional content, and training to be a better human.@18:40 A Life of growth and integration - Maintaining growth between milestone events@24:43.5 Small steps toward Freedom of Expression@27:30 Steps toward Higher States of Presence as the Highest Self@34:21 Exploring the Richness of Information available to us - When missing experience, turn to the Knowing among us.@38:04 Similarities between journaling and counseling@40:48 What Happens when we express Truth? The Law of Attraction and Being Connected@47:02 Can we be out of balance while in Flow? And Freedom of Individual Expression in the Flow.@51:02 How can everyone learn to identify our personal needs that require attention for full expression? Acknowledgements and Apologies.@55:47 - Getting your basic needs met

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Kevion Devantè - Aka The Sound Shaman joins the show this week to discuss Peace in our Time and how we may find it within ourselves. We discuss reminding people what it is like to be a child, what it feels like to realize your power, flipping the script on effective activism and media production by starting with ourselves and coming from a place of love, and much, much more. Kevion is a musician, he conducts shamanistic healings through Sound Healing Ceremonies, energy work, guided meditation, yoga and more. Kevion is a certified Crystal Reiki Master and Founder of LiVin' InnerG. LiVin' InnerG hosts healing experiences for groups and individuals looking to heal and enter Elevated States of Being.Instagram: Facebook: Show Notes:Jay Brown on Facebook - Book: Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin, Serpent Power, and the Luminous Matrix of Reality by Edward Bruce Bynum Ph.D. (affiliate link)Aubrey Marcus Podcast - 6 days of Darkness @beginning - - Labels, Definitions, Holding Big Small Space, Healer Archetypes, and Life Plans vs Root Intentions @13:48 - Medical Practitioner Labels vs United Healer Modalities@20:28 - Kevion’s BOUNDARIES - How to be with ourselves. How do we Identify? What is our TRUE objective? @27:16 The Power of Sound - Space, Place, and Peace@33:10 Why busy people have a great journey ahead once they dive into the Space Bath@37:01 A time where our children never forget what it’s like? An exciting or terrifying time to be alive?@39:55 The message we should be sending right now, VS the darkness we have resorted to@47:16 We can build a better world: The Loud Minority, the People doing the Good Work, and those caught in the middle@49:50 Unpopular opinions, Unity Conferences, Systemic “ism’s” vs the ism we create through expectation@55:54 Overthinking at its finest: Looking for people to tell us how our experience should feel. We cannot arrive at Peace without Peace as Method, you cannot fight oppression with oppression.@61:22 - We are still trying to remember why we signed up for this! Equality vs Equanimity - Fighting for equal respect of individuality@1:04:55 - How do we forget what is Real? Why do we have a propensity to validate negative messages? AND how the News is FAKE!!!@1:09:31 - It’s all about that isolation factor. More media bashing, cannabis vs alcohol, and alternative history.@1:12:13 - The practice of Integration - Light and Dark - Bringing it back to Peace.@1:15:27 - darkness retreats, ‘chiropractic’, and escalation of consciousness @1:21:13 - Artful Convention Reflections - Peace in droves, and being okay@1:27:29 - Do we need an ‘awakening experience’ to wake up? Is this attainable to everyone? Being your own Muse.

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Dr Taylor Luster is a chiropractor with an incredible sense of self and ability to connect with people on a deep emotional and energetic level. We barely break the surface details of her journey, her Wisdom, and the Truth she has to share with the world in this episode. Even then, this heart warming discussion with one of the best new doctors in her field is not one to be missed.Show NotesDr. Taylor Luster's Contact info:Insta: @drluster_inner_sanctum__chiro Facebook: @Innersanctumchiropractic Inner Sanctum Chiropractic 18402 US Hwy 281 North #109San Antonio, TX Innersanctumchiropractic.comTime Markers:@13:34 - Graduating from a doctorate program and starting a business during COVID—@15:42 - Accidents, Surgeries, Abusive Relationships, and Chronic Disease…. While in doctorate school@18:20 - Discovering who you are: grad school’s real purpose, hitting rock bottom, and a conversation with God.@21:55 - Lack of stability as counter to Love, and the 2x4 effect@33:34 How do we know who we are and begin to Love ourselves?@43:28 How do we know that we are not alone, and that we are Loved?@48:12 Can we find love without having a crisis?!@50:50 The Choice of perspective we all have@55:40 Where to get started - it doesn’t have to be big@1:03:24 Parable of the Lost Son@1:07:00 It takes work and you have to do it

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
The truth, the unknowing, meets my truth by way and strength of the Will. The power of the will is equal only to clarity of purpose, removal of interference, awareness of intuition, and fostering of your truest excitement. Your lifeforce. Unison with lifeforce, with intuition, with the truth of truths , and complete surrender to the unknown results of all action fuels the power of will. Untethered from expectation, Willpower, in turn, fuels all action which would come from your truest self. The highest of potential outcomes is one least shrouded in hopeful prediction. All departments collide into perfectly orchestrated chaos. Life accelerated. Life unbridled. Life unexpected; Limitless. WILLPOWER.1 Become malleable2 Cultivate the Vision3 Reconnect regularly with Why, and with all which brings the Best of You further into Reality.4 Structure ongoing Adaptation5 Schedule future Revelations6 Equivalence of Exchange: Share your gifts, provide your offering.@15:00 - Willpower and the real self: continued dissociation from labels. Vision Vs Archetypes and Methods@ 21:42 - Willpower as fuel for Action driven by the Intuition @27:51 - No Creativity with Ego Rigidity@33:24 - Fluid Identity, Continued Growth, avoidance of the Pain Teacher, and the Vision remains.@35:32.5 - Bruce Lee on the Delusional Mind and Native Fluidity.Intuition, the Wisdom of the Soul, Innate vs Universal Consciousness, making Innate choices.@46:30 - Ancestral usefulness of the ego-mind@55:07 - A graduate level lesson on Love: Tattva and Samatvam @1:09:06 - Life Planning to Feed the Will@1:18:15.5 - Daily Sacred Choices@1:20:34.5 - Scheduling Future Revelations@1:34:00 - Giving back, Sharing our Value, Energetic Exchange feeds the WillBruce Lee Podcast Affirmations Episodes:

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
This week we take a deep dive into ways we can aim for longevity in the expression of our true selves and highest excitements. We discuss how to overcome the pain teacher, how to be proactive in selecting exposure to life’s physical, mental, and emotional extremes, and how to use the intuition, research, and archetypal role play to remain in alignment with our lifestyle choices over the long term. This is a fun and wide ranging conversation on the philosophy and health benefits of endurance, balance, discipline, voluntary hardship, and pressure testing our beliefs. Theadore Roosevelt man in the arena quote Podcasts to look up for further discussion on archetypes:Aubrey Marcus PodcastKyle Kingsbury PodcastLIving 4D with Paul Chek Yancy Camp OCR Training: Farm Wines Founder interview with Ben Greenfield Emotional Endurance Books:Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone Verbal Judo by George J. Thompson How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie Straw-man vs. Steel-man Argument Types @32 mins The three types of endurance@44:39 What a lesson from the pain teacher is, and how it startsA combination of energetic depletionEnvironmental, lifestyle, and nutritional factorsWith energetic manipulationstored trauma, anxiety, depression, stinkin’ thinkingAt first imperceptible. Leads to noticeable biochemical (hormonal), physiological, structural imbalances, and to toxic build up.@1:06:35 Physical Endurance@ 1:35:28Emotional Endurance@1:51:24Intellectual and mental Endurance@1:59:58Straw-man vs. Steel-man Argument Types@2:22:46choosing topics for your Steelman pressure tests

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
A short bonus episode, reciting a philosophical argument for the importance of defining your Why and holding purpose with you in your every moment and action.

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
In this week’s episode we discuss the unequivocal and severely underrated importance of Strength. How to build mental strength, how to get strong and use that strength to support everything you do from chasing your dreams to activities of daily living. We need to know why it is important to be strong, not as an afterthought or eventual add-on to our personal development journeys but as part of our foundations in discovering and building who we are.Find an olympic weightlifting club or coach near you: to powerlift:

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Source of Socrates' quote on physical pursuit: In: Spurlock's Super Size Me 2: Holy ChickenDocumentary on the shortcoming of the American chicken industry's excellent series on organic vs conventional farming Paul's comparison of commercial vs. organic (yields and commercial lobbyist efforts to deface organic farming's noble qualities) Organic Corporation Map: Vitalis on Extreme Health Radio - The 4 Noble Elements - a fantastic beginners series on how to live a natural life for those that want to dive further in.

Thursday Feb 11, 2021

Thursday Feb 11, 2021