Forager Health Podcast
This show is about personal empowerment. Forager Health Podcast explores why we are meant to seek opportunities for depth, meaning, variety, and joy within the Human Experience as we explore our relationships with ourselves, each other, and with the Earth. Our weekly gatherings are meant to explore human potential and inspire listeners to welcome more passion, exploration, challenge, and autonomy into their lives. We hope that our thought provoking and inspirational conversations with the best and brightest minds in modern philosophy, human performance, and holistic healthcare will inspire listeners to embrace lives expressive of their own individual values and beliefs.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Today we bring you a very special conversation where I get to take a deep dive behind the curtain of our modern relationships with food, nutrition, life and death, and other things health related with a powerful human I follow on Instagram known as Maestro Quetzalcoatl! (@WildQuetzal on Social)Quetzal is a master when it comes to bringing the nature of our disconnections from what it means to be human to the forefront of peoples minds… In really bright, intuitive, beautifully orchestrated content backed by a rich history of self-education and personal discovery. He serves up high level of Truth and understanding of our food systems and their relations (or lack thereof) to indigenous cultures from around the world in easy-to-digest formats that allow for big takeaways in small amounts of time. Quetzal has a profound way of connecting the dots between our current standards of living and our lack of healthy relationships. He paints a picture of modern society as a system that has led us to lose ourselves through convenience of the built environment and removal from the natural world. Quetzal shows through his work that we presently tend to foster lack of connection with our food, our communities, and the ways of our ancestors, but that we do not have to… He shows people that even now, we have the power to choose the systems of life we invest our energy in. Don’t miss out on this one, it’s a heavy hitter!Show Notes:Quetzal on InstagramQuetzal on TikTokQuetzal on YoutubeThe Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan (Source for education on the petrochemical food system)Supersize Me 2: Holy Chicken (Source for conventional US chicken lifespan from chick to slaughter)Time Markers:@8:25 - 17:07 Introductions & Evolving perspectives on social media as we grow into ourselves@17:07 - 19:16 Breath Work Session@19:16 - 24:09 Queztal’s Life Vision, and thoughts on modern community@24:09 - 38:15 What are we saving time for by skipping to end results?@38:15 - 42:31 What are we really eating? Nature? Or a deviation away from nature? Where is it all coming from?@42:31 - 46:45 Where are we getting our Inputs from that support our lives?@46:45 - 50:14 The more we modify our food, the greater our food-shortage problems: Higher Systems for sustainable creation do exist, and they have existed for a long time…@50:14 - 59:01 Can we feed everyone in a sustainable regenerative manner? Is Earth’s future bright? Can we turn this ship around soon enough for a smooth transition? @59:01 - 1:01:40 Staying Balanced - Walking the Middle Path, and acknowledging true importance@1:01:40 - 1:19:31 How tiny our blip on the timeline is, what we are willing to give for our food, and other expansive perspectives on where our food can come from@1:19:31 - 1:27:48 Conscious Omnivory -Accessing all kingdoms of life and utilizing our environments to their fullest… + how seasonal local eating is achievable everywhere@1:27:48 - 1:35:24 The Power of Seasonality, and how health can be a byproduct of your lifestyle. Arriving at health without striving for health…@1:35:24 - 1:41:53 Life eats Life: How can we be spiritual and eat meat? All is Life is Spirit, and all that supports systems that affirm continued life is an act of goodness@1:41:53 - Our separation from Death in the modern world & how disconnection from the death-life cycle effects our perception of food@1:48:22 - 1:52:48 Do Humans need to be “bad for nature”? @1:52:48 - 1:58:43 Outgrowing Veganism and the plant-based diet paradigm@1:58:43 - End: How rigidity does not belong in diet, there is no universal fit, how dogma crowds out intuition, and how to get started making your own food choices

Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Whether going out of town on business, heading to a conference, attending a workshop, investing in a personal retreat, or leaving home to visit family, we all deserve to allow space for the highest return on investment for our time. A primary way of holding space for our Highest Selves as we engage with Opportunity for Expansion is to set intentions before hand for the experiences you are going to encounter. In part 1 we discussed this and touched on family relations, car rides and travel times, food prep ideas, hydration, biohacking, examples of intentions and preferences for different chapters of our journey, and more! This week for part 2, we come together over morning coffee to tell stories, lessons learned, outcomes, successes, & challenges as we share the details of our misadventures. Our main take aways: Ask and we shall receive, even if what we ask for and what it ends up looking like are completely different in Real Time than whatever preference we have going in. Abundance can sometimes present itself in the strangest of ways…. And sometimes, the work we have to do on our inward realities projects itself so strongly outward, that the messages granted by our efforts to live out Life as our Highest Selves are higher in value than any preference or intention we could possibly conceive of before they come to be.Show Notes: Strong Coffee Company Dr Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter Podcast The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan Time Markers:@5:20 - 39:07 A Wacky breakdown of our trip by categorical outcome@39:07 - @1:01:21 Chapter One - The Drive and our review of The Omnivore’s Dilemma@1:01:21 - 1:08:19 Chapter Two - First Family Encounter and Breaking of Pattern in Old Environments@1:08:19 - 1:23:24 Chapter Three - Old Friends, Professional Outlooks, and Projections of New Beginnings@1:23:24 - 3:05:20 Chapter 4 - Couples Wilderness Retreat!!!! - Following Intuition within difficult conversations, Future Projections and Playing Life as the Highest Self, Hunting & Gathering the Wilderness, Animal Totems, Spirit Guides, Cold Plunges and MORE!!3:05:20 - End Chapter 5 - Second Family and Old Space Encounters, The Drive Home, Closing Ceremony, and Reflections on Outcomes

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Whether going out of town on business, heading to a conference, attending a workshop, investing in a personal retreat, or leaving home to visit family, we all deserve to allow space for the highest return on investment for our time. A primary way of holding space for our Highest Selves as we engage with Opportunity for Expansion is to set intentions before hand. Sitting down and thinking on what you would prefer to get out of your investment is a critical, yet often overlooked strategy. In this short series we discuss the steps we have taken to get the absolute most out of our time, money, and energy invested in traveling. Listen along as we walk our audience through our process in undertaking our most recent trip. We touch on family relations, car rides and travel times, food prep ideas, hydration, biohacking, examples of intentions and preferences for different chapters of our journey, and more!Time Markers:@5:20 - 37:18 Is it Even Worth it? Our conditions met before ever leaving the house@37:18 - 1:00:53 What would we want out of our experiences if we had no fear of consequences? Followed by a segue to tackle some travel biohacking 101@1:00:53 - 1:17:20 First Chapter - Intentions for visiting family and upholding highest-self-inage, morals, and values in old environments@1:17:20 - 1:33:05 Second Chapter - Highest self projections! Intentions for doing things you love, and reaching beyond your comfort zone. @1:33:05 - 1:47:36 Third Chapter - More advice on targeting growth while visiting Family, ands improving Connections by holding Space. @1:47:36 - End: The Drive Home: Closing Ceremony, review of experience, overall outcome, and our final thoughts on reasons for intention setting.

Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
We at Forager Health and many others in the chiropractic community consider Zachary Riles Conner as a no less than a Modern Renaissance Man. Zach is a POWERHOUSE of clarity, presence, love, and understanding, stemming from what I can only describe as his infallible pursuit to follow his genuine calling in life, and to consistently push his limits to do so in the most efficient & yet, holistically mindful ways possible. Zach is often seen playing a role of the Warrior Archetype, putting himself out there on the front lines in battle against ignorance to aide in the evolution of our understanding as a society toward a collective awakening to the truth that all can and does ‘begin and end’ at Unconditional Love. In this discussion we peel back the layers of our short-term motives and perspectives as members of a world-wide community in dissection of the implications of mankind’s current state of Being. In doing so, we inevitably end up coming to a place where time horizons are expanded, and comforting truths backed by Universal Principles are explained and elaborated on. We find common ground in a Knowing that in the end of all tumultuous periods, Life will always tend to arrive at a brighter, more positive, more expressive complex of systems than whatever history’s previous peaks of Awareness may have looked like. This conversation, like any with Zachary Riles Conner, is NOT one to be missed. If you are new to hearing Zach speak, or you have been holding back on tuning in to the show, there has never been a better time. SHOW NOTES:Zachary Riles Conner on Facebook Zachary Riles Conner on InstagramZach’s Intro to his Purpose and Principles Series The Path - Delta Sigma Chi’s podcast ———The TriviumJoe Di Stephano Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins Dr Micheal Sineca Marietta - “greaterness” coach Marvin Talsky and Talsky TonalTom Cambell PHD - Author of My Big TOEFlow Mastery Institute Kevin Trudeau: Your Wish is Your Command Dr. Suzan Rossi DCUniversity of Virginia Reincarnation Research Richard Grove Eric Godsey and Aubrey Marcus with Education and Lifestyle Advice from Seth Godin Brett Veinotte - school sucks project John Taylor Gatto on the School System Time Markers: @5:20 - Start of show, and Zach’s Introduction to Chiropractic and Philosophical Principles@23:35 - Chiropractic’s application of and attunement to Universal Principles@27:24 - So… Where are we headed now that we’re here? & Fighting Elephants in the room… No factual response can comfort an emotional outcry@39:16 - Fear vs Love, Negative vs Positive Outcome: When in doubt, zoom out.@45:19 - Are we in for a bright future in the “short long haul”? On The Astral Man and attaining the least amount of the most effective awareness of the problem. The answer is always to work toward Unconditional Love.@53:44 - What is a belief? And how they dictate collective conciousness@1:03:33 - Does the Future evolution of Consciousness include humans on Earth?@1:16:17 - Going from Awareness to Ignorance and back again - Over the Millenia, how do we forget, and Why? Baselines, Human need for Effort, Doing the work, Averages over Millenia, and Accelerating the fear-shedding curve.@1:36:07 - Removal of Concealment = Apocalypse. You are here: Post Apocalyptic Life in present day.@1:46:42 - What does the new school system look like? And does Chiropractic Philosophy play a role?@2:05:03 - More on the Chiropractic Renaissance @2:08:26 - On Principles of Correspondence, Delta Sigma Chi’s Mission in Chiropractic, how the Principles apply in society, Societal Subluxations: How do we affect this healing in our communities?, and an Adjustment according to Zach: “The least amount of most effective force to communicate the corrective intent, applied through touch, to initiate a process of self-healing.” @2:20:23 - Life can be brighter tomorrow - All we need is understanding, to be present, and to be on-purpose.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Dr. Garrett Panno DC is a powerhouse of inspiration, naturally gifted individual when it comes to leading a disciplined, principled, value-based lifestyle, and has built himself up as a powerful facilitator of healing through early adoption and engagement in leadership roles since early on in his career as a student. He has built a track record for recognizing voids in the communal and educational atmospheres of his chosen field, and stepping up to put in the work for the betterment of others. By the time Garrett gained licensure, he had taken on the roles of Lead Facilitator & President of Logan University’s Kairos Training Culture club, leader of Logan University’s functional medicine club, and founded The Diabuddies Podcast with his friend Dr. Grady Donohoe DC. He is a well suited guest for this week’s episode on Willpower, the final discussion in our first Principle-based series here on Modern Forager Podcast. Show Notes:Dr. Garrett on InstagramThe Diabuddies Podcast with Dr. Garrett Panno and Dr. Grady DonohoeDr. Garrett’s current place of practice: Book: Extreme Ownership by Jocko WillinkBook: Dichotomy of Leadership by Jocko WillinkBook: Awareness by Anthony DeMello Time Markers:@Start - 12:43 How Garrett and I met and why I wanted Garrett on to discuss Willpower@12:43 - Defining Intuition and on making decisions based on Feel@18:55 - Do you believe the Intuition comes from within or without? Identity differentiation between the knowledge of the Soul and the knowledge of the Self @27:02 - What Willpower is, how to attain it, the holding capacity of water, and more on the origins of Intuitive Thought and/or consciousness@38:44 - Willpower + Love connection, acting from a place of loving devotion, and the power that brings @42:19 - Making decisions and taking action based on your Truth when you are ‘stuck’ within the many systems of mechanistic inefficiency in the modern physical world@51:45 - CHANGING THE SIZE OF YOUR BUCKET: Feeding the Will - Expanding your capacity to handle life obligations through a practice of loving devotion and excitement - Gaining energy beyond biological principles@1:01:07 - Willpower Defined - Bruce Lee’s Concept, My 2017 Affirmation, and the power behind the word.@1:14:32 - Finding Balance through Endurance versus Balance through Willpower - The benefit of following your heart and avoiding the Pain Teacher@1:21:30 - Examples of Resilience by way of Faith in your perspective and grand design @1:24:37 - Garrett shares his Why for Chiropractic & the power of defining your Life Vision@1:31:36 - The evolution of Garrett’s Be Love Process@1:36:46 - A Dynamic Range of Emotional Content: There are spaces where you can allow for self expression, and they are available to you@1:40:28 - Being Trusting of who you are: Understanding Life as a Type 1 Diabetic and the relationship between those challenges with balance and showing up as a Leader.@1:51:55 - How much time should we give ourselves to Heal? How can we be honest with ourselves about when it is the right time to take on new responsibility?@1:54:06 - Garrett’s early chapters as a diabetic, and whether he is proud of being a diabetic as part of who he is@1:58:28 - How to move past acceptance to a place a pride for who you are and the hands you’ve been dealt

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Revelations, restitutions, contemplations, new chapters, personal growth, and beyond. Just stepping into larger roles as the human and Healer that I currently am by embodying my Truth in pursuit of my Reason. May this recording stand as inspiration for you to work on letting go of what is not yours and proudly claim all the pieces of yourself that remain when enough of your layers are shed.When we remove enough of what is not ourselves, it becomes clear that boys and girls who are lucky enough to become men and women within a single lifetime are no more or less than ever-fluid physical working outward expressions of True Masculine and Feminine-dominant Sacred archetypes. We each encompass essences of both sexes equally in balanced expression through every fiber of our being, in all of our bodily processes, in each thought, reaction, and every emotion. Everything in existence is both male and female in nature. To have preference for one side, or to be expressive more of one or the other is not a matter of ‘correctness’, it just is, as a constant-acting Universal Truth... Happening in all objects always, animate, intelligent, or not. This is the great duality that upon the creation of this Plane, where first there was space and time, was perpetuated forward from the unknown by the Universal Intelligence of everything in its endless enthalpic spiral toward Infinite varieties of Love, where Love, according to Paul Chek is Consciousness experiencing itself.#Chek #HLC #HealthCoach #FutureDC #SacredMasculine #SacredFeminine #Tao #Balance #Health #Love #Empathy #Unity #Understanding #Relationships #Empowerment #Healing #ForagerHealth #LGBTQ

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Kevin Gregory Jr. AKA @BubblestheClowne is an experienced strength and conditioning coach (CSCS), health and lifestyle influencer, cofounder of his own gym, and an OG Obstacle Course Racing athlete. Kevin has built a reputation at Spartan Race for being a light in the crowd that brings people together with his outgoing personality and the levity of his clown mask alter-ego on race day. Kevin is a major inspiration in the world of OCR with his never-quit attitude and drive to not only push himself to higher limits, but in his efforts to help tons of other people achieve things beyond their perceived abilities along the way. In this episode we discuss Kevin’s journey from weekend warrior to podium finisher, and everything from overcoming trauma through lifestyle changes to following your passions, going against social norms to fight for change and personal growth, human potential and our universal capacity for achievement, undertaking great feats of endurance, how to make choices to start living life to its fullest, and much, much more.Show - Sign up for a Race!!Bubbles on Instagram @Bubblestheclowne75hard Challenge founded by Andy Frisella It Didn’t Start with You Book: The Body Keeps the ScoreBook: The Body Electric Great resource for info on Family Constellation Therapy Book: Dean Karnazes - The Ultramarathon Man My Blog Series on how I trained through chronic disease for a 50k ultramarathonTime Markers:@start -> 26:03 - Kevin and mine’s time in OCR@26:58 - Using fitness challenge results, off season woes, and Endurance in the face of adversity - on the unknown consequences of letting your training slip and the rewards of never stopping.@31:58 - Kevin’s racing history, the post-race perspective-shift on every day life, the addictive draw of endurance racing and OCR, and finding balance in the benefits of competition.@46:20 - Endurance Sports, competing versus participating, athlete identity, identity conflict for people seeking growth, and finding purpose in life through elective hardship.@55:10 - Fostering Intuition by taking leaps of faith, chasing value, and beginner’s tips for leaning into elective hardship, living a disciplined lifestyle, and testing your limits@ 1:09:35 - The beginning: being okay with who and where you are, deeper reasons for change, shadow work, overcoming deep seated conditioning and trans-generational trauma, and having a date on the calendar.@ 1:16:40 - Calendar Events continued - How we are always going to want more, teamwork-oriented endurance events, and chasing the perspective shift @ 1:26:41 - Finding Ourselves & Personal Solidarity - avoiding identity crises from external pressures (like COVID) through investment in Self and elective exposure to possible failure.@ 1:31:31 - “You are either going to win, or you are going to Learn” & On Lessons in forgiving and letting go.@ 1:37:56 - What is our Baseline Human Capacity? What should we capable of and what can we achieve if we decide to act? @ 1:46:34 - What we can do if no one ever tells us we can’t, and when we break past collective perspectives of labels and impressions - Never listening to people who say you can’t.@ 1:52:34 - You never know what you are capable of until you DO IT, and it has been done before, no matter what it is.@ 2:03:39 - What it feels like to prove to yourself that YOU CAN

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
In our first couples episode we discuss training, nutrition, personal growth, lifestyle changes, and daily challenges as graduate students and young entrepreneurs. We trace Emilie’s journey from a state of overwhelm with 36 credit hours of classes to running farther than she has in over 2 years in less than 40 days. Join us for this fun, inspirational, caffeine fueled early morning race recap of the muddiest event Emilie and I have ever run in the over 100 trail races between the two of us.Show Notes:Book: Unconventional Medicine: Join the Revolution to Reinvent Healthcare, Reverse Chronic Disease, and Create a Practice You LoveBook: Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running With My Dog Brought Me Back From the Brink

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Show Notes:Eric Zucaro @Ezucaro of @marble_weightlifting helps us understand what it takes to build true strength on today’s show! We discuss what it is like to start strength training and lifting for different age groups, and what it takes to get strong. We touch on how soon new lifters should expect results and what to expect short and long term. We discuss what it feels like to really push yourself, and how long it takes to be able to reach full exertion in the gym. We discuss what eating and nutrition for performance and strength looks like, distinguish between what it means to train versus exercise, and also much, much more!! Larry Wheels - bodybuilder Shi Zi Yong - Chinese olympic gold medalist - Strength Lifters - an olympic weightlifting club or coach near you: - How to Find a Coach: Stamps:Start // reminiscing on Obstacle Course Racing @ 10:16@20:40 - Why Eric quit OCR cold turkey in 2017 and more talk on trail racing@26:08 - Trading passions for better performance and longevity @27:57 - Radiating Positivity - Where it comes from and our freedom of choice between pessimism and positivity@32:12 - Strength in The Foundational 7 and Why we Train - Where negativity goes to die@36:48 - tangents sidetracks and rambling @44:43 - Back to strength! Beginner’s Strength Gains and Physiology of the Super SAID Principle@49:20 - Its always gonna feel difficult - Fear keeps us in check@54:08 - Change to be proud of can happen fast @56:25 - Nutrition basics for Lifters - Eating for demand of expenditure@60:00 - what does it take to learn to work hard? And dispelling concerns about ‘getting big’ from lifting@1:12:25 - How to learn to start lifting - watching others lift - and how easy life becomes once training becomes habit@1:28:30 - Training vs exercise - a recorded long term pursuit towards set goals@1:33:20 - Lifting and eating more - the best way to burn fat, get lean, and live a healthy sustainable lifestyle@1:45:44 - Carrying groceries - demands from non-lifters, stereotype pressure, and grocery volume logistics - then some rambling@1:53:35 - What makes a good coach and how to find one@2:01:48 - Can you start olympic weightlifting as a novice? Yes!

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Shownotes: Luke Apple is a current student of Chiropractic at Life University. Luke is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all things health, fitness, and lifestyle design with diverse personal experience ranging from practice in jiu jitsu, weight lifting, and running sports to study of yoga and ancient philosophical principles. Luke’s humility and ability to remain playful at heart and detached from short term outcomes no matter the pursuit is really what sets him apart in the game of human performance. During his time in doctorate school Luke has regularly gone out of his way to attend workshops to hone his craft and even travelled last winter on a mission trip to Mexico to serve people using the art of chiropractic. He is a close friend of ours here at Forager Health and we were so grateful to be able to host him for this powerful conversation.Book: A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya by Swami Satyananda SaraswatiWisdom of the Sages podcastBook: Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness by Dr Thomas CowanTime Markers:@8:49 - Start@19:37 - The healing power and attractiveness of Chiropractic - Becoming less of what you are not@22:51 - Luke’s daily practices and how to strike the balance and Karma Yoga@28:14 - Getting faster and stronger in the Winter! Just do it.@30:50 - Choosing Yes, Nos, Maybe’s for personal Health@33:39 - Knowing when its Time to get to work - Training before and after injury and dis-ease@37:34 - Doing it because we can. Gratitude for the ability we have.@40:42 - What are your Goals?? Are you comfortable? How do you want to feel?@44:09 - 60 is the new thirty: Expanding your time horizon@45:31 - Infinite Variety - Scaling the SAID principle, the depth of our Neurology, and macro level appreciation for natural complexity@50:13 - The Body’s Innate Intelligence - Nature Undisturbed - The Power that Made the Body Heals the Body@58:28 - Innate Intelligence applied: Chiropractic philosophy continued@1:08:06 - Enjoy your way to Health - How to find your balance and avoid stressing about your goals@1:13:14 - Is there a time to make sacrifices for our health?@1:14:40 - Choosing our priorities in alignment with Truth