Forager Health Podcast
This show is about personal empowerment. Forager Health Podcast explores why we are meant to seek opportunities for depth, meaning, variety, and joy within the Human Experience as we explore our relationships with ourselves, each other, and with the Earth. Our weekly gatherings are meant to explore human potential and inspire listeners to welcome more passion, exploration, challenge, and autonomy into their lives. We hope that our thought provoking and inspirational conversations with the best and brightest minds in modern philosophy, human performance, and holistic healthcare will inspire listeners to embrace lives expressive of their own individual values and beliefs.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Today I have Dr Jenn Rauscher on the show! Like many great DC’s her knowledge, life experience and wisdom goes far above and beyond the science and art of adjusting, and our conversation today is a great example of how the DC profession produces truly some of the most effective, open-minded, inquisitive doctors there are!We first discuss living life intentionally, living an investigative lifestyle as a part of living authentically in alignment with our happiness, and ultimately how our passions are a part of who we are!We then get really deep down into the truth of CVD 19 and attempt to break through the false narrative and fear mongering we have both seen ruining quality of life this past 19 months in certain parts of the country for certain groups of people. We approach this topic not to spark controversy (there’s enough of that already) but out of loving concern, and a knowing that we can still live hopeful, positive, healthy lives by believing in the power of the human body and in the upholding of personal values. This is a must-have conversation you do not want to miss.Show Notes:Jenn Rauscher on Insta: @TheJennuineAdventureBook: The Artists Way by Julia CameronFood Books by Michael Pollan:Food RulesBotany of DesireOmnivores DilemmaIn Defense of FoodCooked Salis Chiropractic Walnut Creek California Time Markers:@9:47 - 25:40 Introductions, Breathwork, and integrating self care into daily expression@25:40 - 36:09 Living an Investigative Lifestyle - Permission for freely exploring our self interests, and discovering what lights us up inside.@36:09 - 39:55 - Life transitions during COVID, and training to be prepared to adapt no matter the situation.@39:55 - 54:03 Living your life, getting outdoors, and establishing self love during uncertain times - Living life as the COVID narrative unfolds@54:03 - 1:14:00 Focusing on the wrong ways of being. How to stop COVID from dictating how you feel and how you live. A big dose of the Truth and how to contribute to reality rather than the plan that is unfolding.@1:14:00 - 1:36:24 Coping with people who are not in their power: Addressing the loved ones in our lives who can’t see the Truth, and lifestyle changes to stay aligned with personal values in the time of COVID@1:36:24 - 1:39:53 The numbers don’t add up - How we are not at risk and why a poor life-death relationship in our society is causing more harm than the virus. @1:39:53 - 1:55:23 Dr Rauscher’s outlook - Where we are headed, how we continue, and when we may get there.@1:55:23 - Boundaries - Our major takeaway from today’s talk is knowing where you stand by learning who you are.

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
One of our favorite people of all time joins us on the show this week as a recently minted Doctor of Chiropractic! Dr. Amber Majik DC attended over 70 workshops and seminars during her time in school. She took every opportunity for growth and expansion that came to her over the course of 4 years, often finding herself traveling literally all over the world to learn from nearly every living legend of vitalistic chiropractic you can think of. On her path Amber would face inconceivable hardship, seemingly unconquerable obstacles, and unimaginable loss matched only by the level of divine support, personal evolution, and human compassion she would discover along the way. Needless to say, she brings Wisdom beyond her years with her into every moment, and today’s show is no exception. This is the first of a two part “very chiropractic” conversation. We dive deep into the stressors of graduate school, the unique demands on those who choose to embark on the spiritual path as healthcare professionals, why chiropractic is so powerful, the actual experience of personal expansion, how to get better at coping with the experience of growth during times of stress, integrating newly discovered aspects of Self, and what the future of healthcare education should look like to meet the demands and shortcomings of the modern world. This is a can’t-miss episode for any heart centered free-thinker dedicated to their own journey of self-actualization.Time Markers:@Start - 11:14 introductions@11:14 - 15:40 Name Changes and Brandishing Titles as a way of Expressing Truth@15:40 - 40:58 Revisiting Artful Convention - The power of a collective congruent field of expansion, How the deceased support us as we carry their legacies, what its like to feel our full power, and repercussions of flying too close to the Sun.@40:58 - 47:05 Actively Seeking Reality and the Change that Results @47:05 - 56:!2 How to be seen as yourself, and how Universal Truth hides behind all religious labels@56:12 - 1:03:25 What Amber’s personal practice looks like, and how chiropractic and bodywork changes in real time based on what our systems allow and ask for. @1:03:25 - 1:10:58 What is a Subluxation? According to Amber @1:10:58 - 1:16:52 the best advice in 2021/22 for someone thinking about getting into healthcare, how hard it can get, what it takes to make it through, and the one change Amber would make to chiropractic school… @1:16:52 - End: What the Healthcare Facilitator School of the future should look like

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
This week on the show we share a heartfelt recap of the endurance principle as it is expressed in my journey toward self-actualization. Emilie takes the reins in this talk and interviews me just days after I completed a 69 mile ultramarathon in the mountains of southern Virginia rightfully named the Cloudsplitter 100. We talk a little about our history in ultra-distance running events, the unconventional training circumstances I dealt with in preparing for past races, and how the reasons for showing up to events like this can change over time. We then dive into my unconventional training and racing philosophies, including how this race was significant within the context of my personal journey toward soul-activation and embodiment of the highest self. With intentions and preferences all laid out, we then go into a full breakdown of the event itself, including favorite segments, most challenging moments, unexpected outcomes, and my biggest takeaways when all things were said and done. There is something here for anyone interested in bettering themselves or overcoming their own hardships regardless of your interest in running sports, so please do listen in and enjoy this low-key, fun, and wide ranging conversation between Emilie and I. Next week, we have our first guest in a while joining us on the show, and the conversation we share is bound to blow your minds… so stay tuned!

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
It’s Halloween everybody! For our first ever seasonal special episode, we sit down for a late night chat with our friend and multiple repeat guest on the show, Taylor Luster DC to share ghost stories, discuss various theories of what paranormal activity actually is, and brainstorm over the possibilities of reincarnation versus single-life existence. This is a raw, goofy, fun, and mind-bending conversation you don’t wanna miss.Show Notes:Dr Taylor on InstagramInner Sanctum ChiropracticInner Sanctum Chiropractic on InstagramDr Taylor on FacebookDr Taylor on TiktokTaylor’s Podcast - Fearlessly UnbrokenTaylor on Forager Health Podcast 1 Taylor on Forager Health Podcast 2

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Learn to revel in the beauty of your grand design, in the incredible power of your experience and the fact that your blessings for having gone through whatever you’ve been through in this life time have afforded you tremendous opportunity for growth. Learn to recognize the Innate warning systems inherent of our bodily existence are life saving, and that being grateful for signs of discomfort is our way toward vitality.Samatvam - The equal value and importance of all experience. The equal spiritual value of all living beings and their experience. The first step toward unconditional love. To not renounce action for the sake of outcome. To not pursue action for the sake of outcome. Acceptance that all outcomes of devotional action are of equal value.

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Jen Davis joins us on the show this week to discuss life as an adult-onset sportswoman, forager, hunter, and conservationist. Jen is a volunteer hunter education instructor for the state of Michigan who helps lead workshops specifically geared toward adult women interested in getting involved outdoors. She’s also an Artemis Sportswomen Ambassador, and she works a job helping maintain environmental health with her local Department of Parks and Recreation. We talk about lessons and considerations often encountered by anyone on a journey toward developing healthy relationships with their food and local environments. We discuss common roadblocks and challenges both women and men encounter upon deciding to get into the outdoors as adults, and share lots of resources and ideas for where to turn for those interested in starting out. We elaborate on the importance, intent, and inner workings of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. We also explain what it means to us intrinsically to live close to our food, and to live lives focused on our relationships with natural spaces and wild species.Show Notes:Jen Davis on Instagram @Taproot_WildcraftJen Davis on FacebookBecoming an Outdoors Woman - google this + your state for more infoArtemis OutdoorsThe North American Model of Wildlife Conservation - bookBeloved Beasts - book Meateater - Steve Rinella's brandWildfed - Daniel Vitalis's brandThe Splendid Table NPRHank Shaw - Wild Food Author and BloggerAlan Bergo - The Forager ChefHunt to EatTime Markers:@Start -18:12 Introductions and Breathwork@18:12 - 23:38 Jen’s Wild Food History, Learning the skills to match food-source awareness, and how harvesting wild food changes the way we look at nature.@23:38 - 31:15 What Jen’s first hunt was like, and building a better adventure machine: How being physically prepared for your life’s passions can motivate us to be generally strong and healthy.@31:15 - 37:15 Bringing food out of the woods isn’t easy! The learning curve for adult-onset outdoorsman, and common struggles in hunter education@37:15 - 45:40 Jen’s experience going from wild foods consumer to educator and provider@45:40 - 59:06 Getting started: Unique concerns, challenges, and reasons women and men have in becoming adult-onset hunters@59:06 - 1:28:42 The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, & a new age of major influences in the outdoor media industry@1:28:42 - 1:37:36 Why must we kill animals to protect wildlife? Participation’s role in building our ecological relationships@1:37:36 - 1:54:17 Salvaging Roadkill, wild food cooking, and more ethics on utilizing life and death@1:54:17 - Closing thoughts and advice on getting started

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Liz Montoya joins us on the show this week to share her incredible healing journey and quest for personal liberation. After being raised in a challenging, traumatic home environment within a Latter Day Saints congregation, Liz sought transformation, understanding, and freedom through a multi-year quest that would challenge everything she was ever taught to believe. Through personal guidance, a process of conscious uncoupling from a 14 year relationship, multiple plant medicine ceremonies, and learning to follow her intuition, Liz has redefined her relationships with Self and with Spirit.Today, Liz has gone from being the student to embodying the role of a guide who helps those knowing they want a life full of authentic connection but do not know where to start. She has a great deal of passion offering the type of guidance and direction for newcomers to the path of personal empowerment that took her years to find. This wide ranging, raw and honest conversation is full of passion, joy, and hope, and the energy Liz shares is something we could all use a little more of right now. Please tune in and we hope you enjoy as much as we did!Show Notes:Liz Montoya on InstagramTime Markers:@12:31 Start @12:31 - 32:54 Liz’s History with the LDS Church and growing up in a challenging, trauma provoking environment@32:54 - 44:09 Leaving religion for spirituality, separating God from Church, finding a personal path to self discovery, and seeing the grand design in our journeys@44:09 - 1:05:50 Intuitively overcoming Fear of COVID - The power of daily practice - Healing sexual relationships with ourselves - and developing love for our bodies @1:05:50 - 1:09:20 How to begin a journey of sexual liberation@1:09:20 - 1:18:21 Conscious Uncoupling - Ending a 14 year relationship on sound principles and in alignment with Spirit @1:18:21- 1:26:33 Stop, Drop, and Feel - Passing on the Love - How Liz has begun to offer her growth back to the collective, and her biggest tips for beginners on the Journey@1:26:33 What we should be letting go of and holding onto right now

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Jackie Knechtel joins us on the show this week for a deep wide-ranging dive into the intricacies of personal growth and heart-centered entrepreneurship in our present day social climate. Jackie is a public speaker who has presented talks and hosted workshops all over the world. As a visionary and philanthropist she has dedicated herself to creating accessible opportunities for people from all walks of life to work toward experiencing personal, emotional, and professional freedom. As co-founder of Flow Conciousness Institute, she teaches people to unlock their potentials through embracing states of Flow using ground-breaking neurological tools and techniques borne of many years of research into the fields of human consciousness and spiritual development.Show Notes: Time Markers:@10:19 - 14:02 Intro and Breathwork Ceremony@14:02 - 19:10 Beginnings, Introductions, & Diversity and Equality in Personal Development@19:10 - 25:18 Developing the trait of universal social acceptance, learning to take risks, finding depth in our relationships, and whether our missions always must come from trauma@25:18 - 38:50 Jackie shares how Flow Conciousness effects how we Identify ourselves, and answers really big questions - Are we capable of living fully in a plane beyond common sociological divisions? + How do we see the positive meaning within ‘demeaning’ societal conditioning?@38:50 - 50:04 How do we overcome the daily imposed expectations of being raised in an out-dated culture? & How to find energetic balance through focusing on our wholeness in personal evolution.@50:04- 59:22 What heart-centered businesses of the future look like, and what vulnerable leadership looks like. How much of ourselves should we be holding onto? @59:22 - 1:05:48 How do we remain empathetic to all perspectives as we share our ideas for a brighter future? + How do we change the foundational narrative programming that runs the field of natural health? @1:05:48 - 1:17:56 How Jackie decided to shift her time and energy allocation amidst the lockdowns of the pandemic. Starting a heart-centered company that helps those in need during COVID-19. + Allowing ourselves to realize how good we can feel.@1:17:56 - 1:24:17 In healing our wounds, where can we find balance between seeking the specific care we may need according to our stories, while avoiding the pitfalls of spiritual bypassing and getting caught in our comfort zones?@1:24:17 - What do we need more of today in order to find permission to love ourselves? + How to come to terms with getting our needs met and receiving those needs.

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
This week on the show Emilie and I break down key philosophical principles to embody for those wanting to elevate their energetic capacity and thrive in their journeys toward achievement of real lasting health and vitality. Topics discussed include putting ourselves first and how to heal core wounds at the root of people pleasing mentalities, not compromising our values and action plans to appease anyone else’s opinions, setting expectations and boundaries in your relationships while healing, holding small containers of time to allow space for health, living above our hardship, and ultimately, how we must be our own primary care physicians if we want to truly heal in a world where we are taught from birth that once we are ‘ill’, we cannot recover.Time Markers:@4:36 - 9:29 FSH Recap and Introductions@9:29 - 16:34 Principle 1 - Putting ourselves first & How to stop people pleasing.@16:34 - 20:22 Principle 2 - Do not compromise, even for those trying to help you.@20:22 - 37:08 Principle 3 - Be your own best friend, boss, lover, and anything else you need.@37:08 - 52:28 Principle 4 - Boundaries in relationships, setting your Expectations, and not letting others’ discomfort dictate your Reality. @52:28 - 55:18 Principle 5 - Time Boundaries: Holding a Container @55:18 - 1:11:14 Principle 6 - Becoming your own Primary Care Physician@1:11:14 -1:16:53 Principle 7 - Living above and beyond your hardship@ 1:16:53 - Next episode preview and closing thoughts

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Diana Leahy joins us on the show this week! Diana is a Holistic Herbalist, Functional Health Coach, Shamanic Reiki practitioner, and all-around heart centered guide to wellness. Her practice is rooted in timeless vitalistic philosophical principle that the body has the power to heal itself and will do so if given the opportunity. Diana has a unique and amazing background dealing with personal extreme health challenges that lead her down the path to redefine herself and re-discover what health looks like through self-education, meaningful mentorship, and building intuitive relationships with medicinal plants through the combined study of herbalism and astrology.Our discussion takes us in many directions, from trauma healing and spiritual revelation to common wild medicinals and natural Lyme Disease treatments and tick prevention, this conversation is rich with tons of little gems for everyone to benefit from. The energy of the container we created in our discussion this week is warm, comforting, welcoming, and optimistic - I hope that you take away some of the love and caring expressed as we know it is much needed right now!Show Notes:Diana’s Instagram Diana’s Website Stephen Buhner - lyme and herbalism Susan Weed - Founder of Wise Women Tradition of Herbalism Doctor Klinghard - Chronic Lyme Herb Farm - widely available herbal tincture brand Mountain Rose herbsWoodland Essence Red Moon Herbs Time Markers:@7:36 Introduction @10:11 Interview start @11:59 - 18:19 When we study herbs, we are studying the cosmos! Ties between astrology, herbalism, and natural health@18:19 - 32:57 Diana’s learning journey with health and dis-ease@32:57 - 40:29 How Diana developed intuitive practices in herbalism and the healing arts by letting go of old patterns and allowing mentors - plants and humans alike - to come to her. @40:29 - 48:48 The Power in Knowledge versus Information in regards to Health-Care, and how true wellness always needs to be tied to tradition before progress is made@48:48 - 1:12:25 Ticks as teachers, why holistic practitioners are needed, & what the sickest person on Earth knows about health!!@1:12:25 - 1:35:18 Sourcing herbs for stress and anxiety, and beginning to forage your own medicinals@1:35:18 - 1:41:16 Facing yourself: Voyaging outside of everyday life to where the veil grows thin…@1:41:16 - Diana’s greatest moment of growth