Friday Aug 05, 2022

Revisiting Bruce Lee Philosophy - Part 2

This week we round up our deep dive into the teachings of Bruce Lee. Our conversation flows through many thought provoking concepts including learning to die, discovering the true nature of our Selves, dissolving our codependency with the Ego as armor against the world’s expectations, and how to build a healthy self-relationship.

One thing readily apparent through all of Bruce’s writings is how interwoven and well versed his thoughts were as a fluid philosophical system. All ideologies he displays tend to compliment and strengthen each other as you guide yourself through them, as any philosophy on living life well should.

One theme that comes into focus in today’s look at some of Bruce’s thoughts is this idea of common roots to all the self imposed boundaries we face as humans that keep us from the level of introspection and accountability required to break the rhythm of our lives often enough to achieve lives that are lived vibrantly, fully, and in a state of ready awareness.

I would like to think that by looking within as deeply, frequently, and honestly as Bruce did, he not only achieved a lifestyle closer that ever-distant image of full self-actualization than most ever have or ever will, but that he also left behind a beautiful blue print on how we can do the same. Not by following his rhythm, his actions, his patterns, his thoughts, but by allowing his teachings to lead us by example as we look within ourselves, and find our own ways to break the rhythms keeping us from being Someone Real.

Show Notes:

Bruce Lee Podcast Episodes used as main sources:

The Ego Boundary

Conquer Yourself - The Fetters

Conquer Yourself - The Keys

Broken Rhythm

The Six Diseases

The Art of Dying

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